Today November 13, 2009
Dawn's Daybook
Outside my window...the weather is turning cold. There are still a few leaves on the tree, but most of the signs of Autumn are now on the ground.
I am thinking... what a great day to homeschool.
I am thankful for... my girls. They continually fill me with much joy.
I am wearing... grubbies today. Something about Friday, I think. Our Thursdays, we leave the house at 7:30 a.m. and get home about 5:45 p.m. It's such a long and exhausting day that Fridays are lazy.
I am remembering... 9/11/01 today. How can we not, when we are bringing the mastermind of the terrorism to America to stand in a much publicized trial.
I am going... to bed early tonight. I need to decide what to make for dinner first.
I am reading... "Here I stand" about Martin Luther, a messianic book on Holidays (to celebrate Hanukkah this year), and a book on education
I am hoping... that I can read all that I need to! It seems I always have three books going at a time.
On my mind... the future. It seems rather bleak with the decisions our government is making.
From the learning rooms... Montessori Math (the bank game), practicing letters, Story of the World (Christianity comes to Britain), matching letters game, Go fish using letter cards. Tonight we will read a bible story and whatever new book the girls want to start.
Noticing that... my children are full of energy on Fridays.
Pondering these words... "Unless I am convinced by proofs from Scriptures or by plain and clear reasons and arguments, I can and will not retract, for it is neither safe nor wise to do anything against conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me. Amen" Martin Luther
From the kitchen... Drying veggies today to store for future soups.
Around the house... laundry. is it ever complete?
One of my favorite things... cloudy snowy days and sewing Christmas gifts with the kids.
From my picture journal...