24 October 2009

Fall is Here! I think...

Our weather quickly moved from Summer to Winter, with only a glimpse of Fall in between. I'm happy that I followed my say-go-be-do about Fall and took the girls out on a Tuesday three weeks in a row to the mountains to see the fall leaves.

Did you know that Ponderosa Pines, in late summer and fall, smell like Butterscotch? It's heavenly!

Near the top of Fall River Road. The leaves were beautiful! It snowed that day, and it was only September 15th.

We stayed in Grand Lake the first week of September. We went boating, saw lots of Elk and Moose, and fox came to the back door of our cabin!

Our September was full of mountain trips, wildlife and hiking. We went up to Rocky Mountain a few times for the Elk Rut, drove up Fall River Road three times, and saw lots of animal bones on our hikes. One of the highlights was was man and woman fishing at Glacier Lake. The woman caught a beautiful fish and the girls got to "pet" it and hold it:

We had a wealth of adventures this summer, though we only camped once. We picked strawberries and raspberries at a farm and made jam out of them, fished and boated on a lake, saw a moose for the first time, visited the family in Wyoming, rode ATVs and hiked around, played in the lakes....ah summer!

Fall is here and we're preparing for the holiday season. It's one of our favorites; we make loads of cookies and home made gifts, study the bible, make crafts, and are in (what is seems like) a constant state of either putting up, or taking down, decorations. :)

We are fully blessed!



"An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't." -- Anatole France
"I am beginning to suspect all elaborate and special systems of education. They seem to me to be built up on the supposition that every child is a kind of idiot who must be taught to think." -- Anne Sullivan

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