Money Math Game
Supplies: One Die for each ChildApprox. 30 pennies, 15 nickels, 15 dimes, 12 quarters, 1 dollar bill
Ages: 2-7
Ages 2-3 Counting
Ages 4-5 Counting and basic money exchange
Ages 6-7 Money exchange, counting by 5's, 10's
Older Child Varation: Use two dice, have the child add, subtract or mulitply the two numbers. You may have to change the upper number to two-five dollars, instead of one dollar.
Time: Approximately 20-30 minutes, depending on ages.
Play:Taking turns, each child rolls the die once. The banker (usually the parent or an older child) gives the child pennies equal to the value on the die.For a 2-5 year old, the challenge is to count the number on the die and then accept the correct number of pennies. The pennies will start to pile up. At the end of each turn, ask the (older) child to prepare and amount to exchange to the bank (or help the younger child count up enough for a nickel or a dime). Have the children exchange for nickels and dimes first. The 2-5 year olds may not understand the exact exchange, but will understand how to count the number of pennies. The 6-7 year olds will easily exchange for the nickels and dimes but will have a tougher time counting by 5's and 10's.Once the child has enough for quarters, challenge him/her to exchange nickels and dimes for a quarter.The first one to 4 quarters can exchange for the single dollar bill and is the winner!In our house, we let the winner put the dollar bill in his/her piggy bank.
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