If it ain't broke...oh, wait, it is!
Two and a half years ago, dd1 broke her arm doing cartwheels in the family room. The timing was horrible since she had music class and gymnastics class. Here she is after getting her cast on:
She was five. Yesterday our dd2 was running to the back door to go back outside and she tripped, hit the screen door and then the floor. Somewhere in there she must have tried to stop herself because she broker her humerus bone near the elbow.
Thankfully this time, we're on break from music until August and we finished our two week intensive swim lessons the DAY BEFORE the accident. God is good! She doesn't get her cast on until monday, she's in a splint right now, so we're going to request the waterproof cast straight off this time (hopefully she'll be able to get it first since her break isn't as bad as dd1-poor dd1 had to wear a regular cast for 4 weeks, then got to switch to the waterproof for another 3 weeks).

We've made some great strides in homeschooling this week. With dd2 out of commission for her usual rough house play, we'll likely get alot done this summer.
Grace just got her cast off last Fri (broken thumb.) We're now 100% covered since her hospital stay in April, so if anything else breaks between now and Dec - it's free!
At least they have waterproof casts now....and pretty colors.
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