14 June 2007

Summer "school"

Most of the school kids are out for the summer now. Strangely, it already seems like we've been in summer for awhile, but maybe that's because I'm pregnant and everything seems to move slowly LOL

The last few weeks have been much quieter and much needed. Swimming is over, Music is over until August and we haven't scheduled as many activities.

Tomorrow we have a Father's Day co-op and Monday I'm hosting Science Club (Molecular Structure of Sugar & Water and discovering "holes" in water). If I can get DH to take an hour off of work, we're going ice skating next Wednesday.

The summer reading program started at the library a couple weeks ago...unfortunately two days after we were there last. We signed up today and luckily we've been reading like crazy so we're not behind. This year, there are two "chapters" (sessions) and at the end of each they get to choose a book to keep.

I also started a reading program with the girls--when they get to 100 books each, we're taking the girls to Chuck E. Cheese's (we only go maybe twice a year, so it's a big treat). Maisie has been doing great with the phonics books and has read 11 so far. She's required to read 25% of all of her books and the other 75% is read to her. Of course with Dani and Katie, they are all read to them.

We've done little esle in the manner of schooling in the last month. We listen to "Story of the World" in the car as much as possible, and it's really sinking in for Maisie. We also check out books on CD to listen to in the car, but the others are more for leisure. The plan is to at least work on money and counting with Maisie by the end of the summer and get in as much drawing and art as possible.


"An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't." -- Anatole France
"I am beginning to suspect all elaborate and special systems of education. They seem to me to be built up on the supposition that every child is a kind of idiot who must be taught to think." -- Anne Sullivan

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