15 January 2009

Greatest Snow on Earth

Did you know Utah is home to the Greatest Snow on Earth?
It's true!  It even says so on our lisence plates!
Pooh Bear didn't know before he got here, but he does now!

Our snow is special because of something called the lake effect, which basically means that as the clouds and air pass over the Great Salt Lake they absorb extra moisture and the clouds sort of 'pile up' on top of each other.  This causes heavy snow fall and extra light snow - which is supposed to be great for skiing on!
None of us in our family ski.  (well, Matt used to, but he hasn't been in about 10 years.)  That's a little like living in house with a pool in the backyard and not swimming.  People are always suprised to hear we don't ski.  

But we DO play in the snow when we get the chance!  Tessa took Pooh Bear out to play in the snow and they had a great time!  

Because we live on top of a mountain (altitude of about 7000 ft) we get a LOT of snow!  The city uses a special truck called a snow auger to clear the snow from our streets becuase it take so long to melt off.  

It cuts right through the snow and throws is up into the yards to get it off the street.  It's amazing to watch!  You can see the snow that has been thrown in these pictures.
Last year was a very snowy winter, the last of our snow didn't melt off until almost May!  This year we have had a lot less snow.  There's about 4 feet in our yard - just enough for Pooh Bear to get lost in for months!  Don't worry, we took good care of him :)


~Dawn January 20, 2009 at 11:14 AM  

Karissa loves the Auger! Pooh bear looks like he's having a blast.

"An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't." -- Anatole France
"I am beginning to suspect all elaborate and special systems of education. They seem to me to be built up on the supposition that every child is a kind of idiot who must be taught to think." -- Anne Sullivan

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