28 January 2009


A friend of ours is making a large order to www.sproutpeople.com.  We are so excited!  It is a great start to our first year of gardening.

We are ordering:
Broccoli Sprouts Pea Carnival Mung Quinoa Wheat

To be used in bread and baked goods and on salads. Our little experiment with the Garbanzo beans went really well, even though they were not considered the "sprouting" kind..all 10 of them sprouted!

This summer, we're going to follow the Square Foot Gardening method. Our soil is horrible, anyway, and I like the Mel's Mix that he uses--I don't have to worry about weeds like in normal soild.



Kathy_in_Colorado February 7, 2009 at 10:11 AM  

Fabulous Dawn! Take pics and keep a journal on here of the progress so we can follow

"An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't." -- Anatole France
"I am beginning to suspect all elaborate and special systems of education. They seem to me to be built up on the supposition that every child is a kind of idiot who must be taught to think." -- Anne Sullivan

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