06 August 2009

Amazing. Grassroots? Or scare tactic.

If you've read the news today, you know that the democrats are spinning the grassroots movement as the fault of the republicans. I've heard the word thrown all day today, including an ad from the "Democratic National Convention" that said this:


Apparently, if you oppose the healthcare bill, cap and trade or any other democrat bill, you are a "mob." In addition, if you oppose this ad and find it offensive, good luck contacting the DNC; their site is magically down for maintenance.

I've read the bill. It's scary. What our representatives are saying about keeping our insurance is NOT correct; you can keep your insurance as long as it never changes. If you change ANYTHING, it is subject to the approval of the government.

The cost? Employers will pay an 8% tax, period. In addition, they can pay for your insurance (which equals about 12% average) of payroll. What employer do you know that can afford both??

Please, read the bill. No, it's not fun, and it's written in legalese. But to fundamentally change a system in our government without reading it...don't you at least feel obligated to read it and understand?

We went to a protest downtown. Pelosi is in town, at a homeless clinic, pushing the House Healthcare bill. That in itself is just WRONG. I support homeless shelters, I donate, work in the soup kitchen; so my protest looks as if I hate homeless people. That's the strategy. Had Pelosi's trip centered around the courthouse where we could actually have a dialogue, she would be faced with the fact that more than half of Americans do NOT want this bill.

Do we want no reform? Actually, we would be happy with reform where the hospitals didn't charge us more because other people received free care. In this bill, that would continue to be the case, except that we would pay for the insurance of illegal aliens. Don't think I'm telling the truth? Read the bill. In addition, physicians and hospitals would also like fair payment for medicare and medicaid, but that doesn't happen either, so it's passed on to everyone else. Reform? Get the government out of it. Allow a private company to offer co-op health insurance for those that want to buy it. Of course, there will still be people that choose to eat out 5 times a week, buy televisions and cars and NOT buy their insurance? And why not? This is America. Don't we have the right to choose our priorities?


All of the protests I have been to have been very civil--minus the moveon.org people who scream in our faces. We choose the high road. We chant, of course. We mostly sing patriotic songs. But we don't insult or directly confront.

Our signs? All handmade with our own personal sentiments. The healthcare signs today were all PREPRINTED.

And yet WE are being led by the republicans. We are lemmings. Ironically, no one we spoke to today could tell us the details of the bill. WE are reading the bill. WE are not taking the rhetoric, we are making our own choices.

In addition, we are individuals, most of us have never protested in our lives, and we're just fed up with the socialist agenda. Most of us have studied history and understand what is happening in our country. Most of us have researched Obama's czars: Holdren who believes in sterilizing the population through food and water, Ezekiel Emmanuel who says a 15 year old is more valuable to society than a 65 year old or newborn, so we should spend more money on them, and Van Jones who is a self-proclaimed communist and black nationalist (post prison time) who believes in reparation. These are the people enforcing Obama's wishes.

The truth is not hard to see, if you're willing to open your eyes. We are not just republicans, we are democrats, independents and republicans who are fed up. We're not going away; this isn't just about healthcare, it's about our CONSTITUTION, our country, and the people.

We are all aware that the next attack on us will be from a social standpoint. We MUST be racists if we don't agree with our government. Ironically, my direct reps and senators are all white, and they will all be voted out if I have anything to do with that. It has nothing to do with color; I wanted Bush out too because he started this whole deficit mess. I want the Constitution restored. I want Liberty.

"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government,
so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution
so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
Thomas Jefferson


Grassroots? We are going to show what a real grassroots movement is about.



"An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't." -- Anatole France
"I am beginning to suspect all elaborate and special systems of education. They seem to me to be built up on the supposition that every child is a kind of idiot who must be taught to think." -- Anne Sullivan

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