29 October 2009

Snow Day! October 29th

We're having another snow day! Danny is off work again and is using the opportunity to get ready for his hunting trip. They'll be gone tomorrow through Tuesday, so let's pray we score a large Elk cow this year! I'm really hoping for a freezer full of meat.

We spent yesterday preparing food for his trip and playing outside:

The girls are getting a little stir crazy, though. We usually have Church Choir on Wednesday nights and ASLAND (our commonwealth) on Thursdays. The snow is still falling, so we're finding things to do indoors.

I am in the midst of my six month purge. On the top floor, I've gotten rid of four trash bags full of stuff (clothes, toys, misc). The first floor was only a bag full, but I work all year at keeping the clutter out. We are on our way to the basement today and through the weekend....cross your fingers!

Oh, and if you're really bored today, you can read the House Bill on Healthcare released today, all 1990 pages!


October 27th

Dawn's Daybook

Outside my window... SNOW! The drifts are up to two feet now.

I am thinking... about how purging the clutter in my home makes my entire life feel more in order.

I am thankful for... my husband who provides for us every day!

I am wearing... um...sweat pants again. Off to the basement to clean, so my good clothes are not to be worn today.

I am remembering... my grandmother. She passed away a year ago and this will be our second Christmas of not putting together a big package for her for the holidays.

I am going... to put the basement back in order if it's the last thing I do! LOL

I am reading... the healthcare bill from the House of Reps. Scary stuff!

I am hoping... my husband gets an Elk Cow for our family and to share with our friends that are going.

On my mind... having another baby. Still.

From the learning rooms... We are doing less formal learning today and more learning about home and clutter and how little "things" mean, especially in regards to our time and mental health.

Noticing that... my children are amazing people full of kindness!

Pondering these words...

From the kitchen... Home made Lasagne (traditional with Italian sausage and Quinoa lasagna for Juliet with her allergies) and Italian Flat bread (made with my 7 year old).

Around the house... Lots of cleaning and decluttering today.

One of my favorite things... The beautiful snow and how it makes me feel cozy in my home.

From my picture journal... see photos above



"An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't." -- Anatole France
"I am beginning to suspect all elaborate and special systems of education. They seem to me to be built up on the supposition that every child is a kind of idiot who must be taught to think." -- Anne Sullivan

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